Reopening Safely: How will this look?

We are pleased to announce that we will be officially reopening on June 13, 2020! With this in mind, we also are reopening safely. We are going to be taking some precautions for your safety, and we will be outlining those here.


If you will be joining us from home:

We will continue the comprehensive streaming schedule as you have become accustomed to. We will be integrating the "FORWARD TO FINISH" Village Seventh-day Adventist Church/Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventist's Virtual Camp Meeting into our schedule on June 12-20. To accommodate this, Children's Sabbath School will be moved to 8am, and Adult Sabbath School will be streamed at 9:15am. Our programming will follow the schedule below:

June 12, Friday

6:30 p.m. Village/MiSDA Camp Meeting- MINI-CONCERT

7-9:00 p.m. Village/MiSDA Camp Meeting- SERMON

June 13, Sabbath

8 a.m. Cadillac SDA Primary-Kindergarten Sabbath School

9:15-10:50 a.m. Village/MiSDA Camp Meeting- Sabbath School Panel

11a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cadillac Church SERMON (also Live Streaming from church)

2 p.m. Cadillac Church SERMON
3 p.m. MiSDA Adult Sabbath School
4 p.m. Cadillac SDA Primary-Kindergarten Sabbath School
5 p.m. Village/MiSDA Camp Meeting-SERMON Sabbath (earlier noon sermon)

6:30 p.m. Village/MiSDA Camp Meeting- MINI-CONCERT
7-9:00 p.m. Village/MiSDA Camp Meeting- SERMON (Live Stream)

If you will be joining us in person:

  1. We will not assign greeters at doors at this time to protect our at-risk members. Several elders will stand at entrance to welcome and explain protocol to our attendees.

The elders will:

a. provide masks for those who want to wear them.
b. identify hand-sanitizing stations.

Bulletins will be laid on table for people to pick up as desired, and several hand-sanitizing stations will be placed strategically throughout the building. 

2. Because of social distancing, attendees will have to sit every other pew. If our sanctuary is filled to the maximum safe capacity, we will be converting the fellowship hall into an overflow room, where LIVE video and audio of the services will be provided. Tithe envelopes will be placed at the overflow seating.

3. Initially, we are suspending all children's division Sabbath School, and instead playing the prerecorded Children's Sabbath School in the Sanctuary at 9:15 AM. For our adults, we will be playing the FORWARD TO FINISH Virtual Camp Meeting Sabbath School Panel in the fellowship hall/overflow room starting at 9:15 AM.

4. We will not be having any congregational singing, opening hymns, or closing hymns. Because of this, our main musical function will be the special music before the pastor's message.

5. Instead of passing around offering plates, we will be placing a visible and clear receptacle for tithes and offerings to be placed in both the sanctuary and the fellowship hall.

6. At the end of our divine services, staggered dismissal will be conducted my the deacons. If additional fellowship is desired, we are encouraging you to do so in the parking lot.

7. Because of FORWARD TO FINISH Virtual Camp Meeting also being held at the same time, Sabbath School will start at 9:15 AM and the Divine Service will start at 11:00 AM. 


If you would like to read our reopening plan in its detailed entirety, you may use the links below.

Reopening Plan

Streaming Schedule

Worship Service Flow