Thanks for Service Well Done!

On Sabbath, October 30, our church took time to thank Elder Bob Nelson for the years of service as head elder. Pastor Ariel Roldan, current pastor, shared his appreciation for Bob’s support during his transition to our congregation. Pastor praised Bob’s leadership during the pastoral transitions during his tenure. With pleasure it was noted that he will continue to serve as an elder and Children’s Ministry coordinator. Bob quickly noted that during the last church office selection cycle he had desired to step down from this heavy responsibility but felt it best to continue to help the new pastor’s transition. Then spontaneously testimonies gushed forth from the congregation noting specific acts of service and compassion validating the heartfelt impact he has made to all church members.

Originally, Bob felt unworthy, but accepted this vital “number two” leadership position as a new elder and was faithful to the calling and God prospered Bob’s work. His love for people in and outside the church made it evident he was God’s choice at the time. He always went the second mile seeing what was needed and doing it. It was noted when the church board deliberated over how to clean the church, he did it.

It is important to note that at times, being head elder is a taxing respon- sibility. You might say, it is “one heartbeat” from the acting pastor for the spiritual and physical lead- ership of the local congregation. For perspective of this responsibility, some churches rotate this position every other church office term while other have a high turnover, but Bob and Brenda have served loyally for well over a decade. Thank you, Bob, for your service and for continuing to serve in your other appointed positions.